What Happens to a Wedding Ring After a Divorce?

What Happens to a Wedding Ring After a Divorce?

In a divorce, one of the biggest areas of concern is the assets. Who gets the cars? What about the house? Can you keep your TV? Will you have to split your savings account? Will you and your spouse share custody of your beloved pooch? There is one item that many couples overlook, and it is probably one of the …

Can I File for Divorce if My Spouse is Incarcerated?

Can I File for Divorce if My Spouse is Incarcerated?

Let’s face it — hardly anyone wants to marry someone with a criminal record. What happens if your spouse is arrested, charged with a crime, and put in jail for several years or longer during the course of your marriage? Would this be a dealbreaker? It may be, depending on why your spouse is in prison. Was she selling drugs? …

Should You Remarry After Divorce?

Should You Remarry After Divorce?

After dealing with an unhappy marriage or a contentious divorce, your motto about remarriage may be short and sweet: Never again. However, as the saying goes, never say never. Once the dust settles from your divorce and you feel comfortable being on your own, you may feel ready to fall in love again. You may meet someone who makes you …

How Does Parenthood Affect Marriage?

How Does Parenthood Affect Marriage?

Many married couples are excited at the prospect of having children. Parenting is seen as rewarding and even an expectation in some cultures. Many couples go to great lengths to conceive a child. Some even spend tens of thousands of dollars on fertility treatments in order to have a child of their own. Others spend a lot of time and …

Avoid These Mistakes in Your Divorce Settlement

Avoid These Mistakes in Your Divorce Settlement

If you are unhappy with your marriage, you may be thinking about divorce. While you may be keen on ending your marriage and finalizing your divorce as quickly as possible, a speedy settlement is not always in your best interests. While you do not want to drag on your divorce for years, you should take adequate time to go over …

What is the Best Age to Get Married?

What is the Best Age to Get Married?

You may be in love at 18, but your parents are telling you to wait to get married. You may have marriage on your mind after graduating from college, but should you wait until you are established in a career? You may be a single woman who becomes pregnant in your 30s, but does that mean that marriage is the …

Interfaith Marriage and the Risk of Divorce

Interfaith Marriage and the Risk of Divorce

People have things that they want and do not want in a partner. Obviously, they want someone who shares their values and whom they can trust. If they want children, they seek a spouse who also wants them. Maybe they want someone who shares their political views. When it comes to religion, however, having differences of opinion does not seem …

How Bad-Mouthing Your Spouse can Affect Your Divorce

How Bad-Mouthing Your Spouse can Affect Your Divorce

Anyone who has been divorced knows that the process can be emotionally charged and contentious. A divorce can be caused by many issues, such as infidelity, money problems, addiction and abuse. As such, many divorces do not occur without some degree of anger or frustration. By the time the spouses decide to divorce, it’s likely that the spouses are beyond …

Child Custody During the Holidays

Child Custody During the Holidays

The holidays are upon us. We just made it through Thanksgiving, and now Christmas is rapidly approaching. Christmas is often a joyous time of year where people spend time with family and friends. Kids are excited about presents and the impending visit from Santa. Deciding on a schedule for the holidays can be challenging enough for most people. Where should …

Can My Marriage Survive Infidelity?

Can My Marriage Survive Infidelity?

Most people in a relationship value monogamy. When they cannot trust their significant other to be faithful, it erodes a marriage. While fidelity is no guarantee of a happy, lifelong marriage, infidelity can almost always end a marriage. Such a dishonest move can cause irreparable damage, and in most cases, it leads to divorce. However, that does not always have …