What Happens if I Do Not Pay Child Support?

What Happens if I Do Not Pay Child Support?

In a divorce with children, one parent typically gets custody of the children, while the other pays child support. Unfortunately, not all parents make good on this obligation. Some simply cannot afford monthly child support payments and only pay when they can. Others do what they can to avoid this obligation. They may come up with excuses or stay out …

How Fathers can Get Custody of Their Children

How Fathers can Get Custody of Their Children

It is no secret that mothers tend to get custody of the children in a divorce. After all, women are often the primary caregivers. Even mothers who work outside the home are the ones who are often coordinating their children’s care. While some men are hands-on fathers or even primary caretakers, many are not. They may spend their free time …

Financial Abuse in a Marriage

Financial Abuse in a Marriage

When people think of abuse, physical harm often comes to mind. They imagine their spouse hitting, slapping, punching, kicking, or attempting to strangle them. Maybe their spouse has hit them with objects or tried to stab or shoot them. Emotional abuse is also common in relationships. One person may constantly berate the other, criticizing them, calling them names and yelling …

Post-Divorce Issues That Require Legal Assistance

Post-Divorce Issues That Require Legal Assistance

You and your ex-spouse have decided on all the necessary issues in a divorce, such as child custody, child support and alimony. You have come to an agreement on how to split assets and debts. You have signed the divorce decree and now you can move on with your life. You will not have to deal with the legal aspects …

How can I Lose Custody of My Children?

How Can I Lose Custody of My Children?

In a divorce with children, one of the things that will need to be determined is child custody. It is hopeful that the parents can determine this on their own. However, given that divorce is often a stressful and emotional time, it is not uncommon for the parties to have some bitterness or anger toward each other. Therefore, agreeing on …

How Unemployment can Affect Marriage

How Unemployment can Affect Marriage

Many adults have dealt with layoffs and other types of unemployment. While such an event can be frustrating and disappointing, most people quickly bounce back and land new jobs, some which pay even more than before. Some, however, become depressed and unmotivated. They find it hard to get a new job, and as a result, they stay unemployed for months …

How Technology Use Impacts Divorce Cases

How Technology Use Impacts Divorce Cases

Social media is a huge part of society. It seems as though just about everyone is on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram or some other site sharing posts and photos of their lives. While this may seem innocent enough, this practice can have dire consequences for someone going through a divorce. In a criminal case, anything you say or do can …

Divorce and Financial Aid: What You Need to Know

Divorce and Financial Aid: What You Need to Know

Divorce can be a frustrating time for children of all ages, especially teens. They may be finishing their up their last year of high school and getting ready for college, while dealing with the challenges that come with their parents’ split. One thing that can be particularly challenging is the financial aid process. For those who need help paying for …

Can I Request a Child Support Modification?

Can I Request a Child Support Modification?

In a divorce, one parent often has custody of the children, while the other pays child support. Child support is a fixed monthly payment based on the income of both parents as well as the number of children the parent is financially supporting. Many parents pay this monthly amount for as long as they are ordered to do so (typically …

Report on Shared Child Custody Laws: How Did Florida Fare?

Report on Shared Child Custody Laws: How Did Florida Fare?

There are several types of child custody — legal, physical, sole, and joint custody. Legal custody refers to the ability of the parent to make important decisions for the children, such as education, religion and medical treatment. Physical custody means that the child lives with the parent. Sole custody is when one parent has both legal and physical custody of …