In the past, couples married for love. Nowadays, there needs to be more than love in order for millennials to get married. They want security, as well, and this is changing their view on marriage and how they will deal with a divorce, should one happen. Millennials are considered to be those who were born between 1981 and 1996. This …
Mediation and Arbitration in a Florida Divorce
When portrayed in the media, divorce is often seen as a nasty battle, with the spouses yelling, screaming, and hurling insults at each other. There may even be physical abuse involved. While this can happen, this is not the norm. There are situations in which a couple may battle it out in court, but far more often, divorces are settled …
Benefits of a Divorce
Mention the word “divorce” and you are likely to get sympathy from those around you. Whether you have gone through a divorce yourself or know someone who has, you are probably aware that ending a marriage can be a stressful situation. If you are considering one, expect that people may try to talk you out of it. This is because, …
Understanding Bigamy in Florida
For most people, one marriage at a time is enough. However, some people are married to multiple people and have more than one spouse at a time. Marriage to two or more people at one time is called bigamy, and it is illegal in Florida and all 50 states. Some countries do allow bigamy, but not the U.S. Many people …
Should You Change Your Name After a Divorce?
When women marry, they tend to change their last name by taking on their husband’s surname. Some do not change their names at all, continuing on with the names they were given at birth. For most women, deciding whether or not to change their last name at marriage is not a major decision. They have probably decided long before the …
Divorcing While Pregnant in Florida
Divorce and pregnancy are two very emotional times in one’s life. Unfortunately, there are times when a woman will want to divorce while she is pregnant, or her husband will initiate the divorce during this time. A pregnancy is supposed to be a happy time for a married couple. So why would any couple decide to divorce during this time? …
Divorce or Bankruptcy: Which Comes First?
As if divorce was not complicated enough, some couples decide to throw bankruptcy into the mix. The two processes are completely separate. A divorce ends a marriage, while bankruptcy eliminates debt. However, they both have one thing in common: They allow a person to walk away with a clean slate, so to speak. With a divorce, you can start over …
Remarrying After Divorce? What to Consider
We all hope that we will get married and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, marriage is not that simple. Couples argue. Some grow apart. Some spouses are bad with finances. Some develop addictions. These problems often lead to divorce. We all know that half of all marriages end in divorce, but the numbers are even higher for subsequent marriages. Two-thirds …
How to Avoid a Divorce
If things have not been going too well lately with your husband or wife, you may be worried that your marriage will end in divorce. Communication and trust issues can rear their heads and cause a marriage to fail, even if you have been happily married for some time. Not every divorce is wanted. In many cases, one spouse files …
Divorcing? There is an App for That
Even in the best of situations, divorcing is neither fun nor easy. By ending your marriage, you are splitting your family in two. This means all your assets are essentially divided in half, as well. Adding to the stress is the fact that you likely have kids or are near retirement. While there is nothing (yet!) that can make divorce …