Ending a marriage can impact your finances in a variety of ways. Obviously, hiring a lawyer can be quite costly, but another way in which your finances can take a hit is your retirement fund. If you are in your 20s and 30s and considering divorce, you might not be too concerned about retirement. However, by the time you reach …
How Divorce can Hurt Your Credit Score
If you check your credit score on a regular basis, you may notice that certain factors make it go up or down. For example, paying off a loan would make your score increase. Missing a credit card payment would cause it to drop. Going through a divorce can also cause your credit score to decline. To be clear, the change …
Is Marriage Counseling Effective?
While we all hope to live happily ever after with our spouses, this goal does not always work out. Dynamics in a marriage are constantly changing. People lose their jobs. Some cheat on their spouses. Some develop addictions. Couples often fall out of love and end up going through the motions. They may live their lives barely speaking to each …
Ways to Cope With an Unwanted Divorce
Nobody goes into marriage wanting to get divorced. As time passes, however, people sometimes change. Some develop new hobbies and interests. Some become more responsible, while their spouses become less so. Many see their spouses develop crippling addictions that end up ruining marriages. Many go through midlife crises and want to start a new life with someone else. In most …
Assuming a Mortgage After Divorce
In a divorce, one of the most sought-after possessions is the marital home. Divorce is already a stressful process, and having to move out of your house can compound that stress. If you have children, staying in the family home may be in your and their best interests, as it should provide them with a sense of stability during a …
Is Divorce Bad for Children?
You have probably witnessed many friends, family members, neighbors, or co-workers stay in toxic marriages for the sake of their children. After all, studies have shown that the effects of divorce tend to stick with children through adulthood. Many have unresolved anger issues toward their parents. Some are unable to have normal relationships because of what they experienced in their …
Why Consider a Postnuptial Agreement
Many couples decide to get a prenuptial agreement before getting married in order to protect assets in the event of a divorce. While this may not seem like the most romantic idea, it makes good financial sense. It can save time, heartache, and stress should the marriage not last. What if you are already married? Can you still protect your …
When can Alimony be Modified or Terminated?
In Florida, many marriages end with one party receiving alimony from the other. Alimony is a payment awarded by the court in a divorce settlement and is meant to provide income to a spouse who makes less money. It can help that spouse attend school and work toward financial independence. Alimony is one of the more contentious parts of a …
The Challenges of Dating After Divorce
If you are going through a divorce, you may have friends and family members who are trying to set you up on dates. After having your relationship end after many years, dating may be the last thing on your mind. Others, however, are scared to be alone after a divorce and are more than willing to get into a relationship …
Divorce Consultation Checklist: What to Ask Your Attorney
You and your spouse have decided to end your marriage. What happens now? While some people choose to file for divorce on their own, without legal help, it is generally not advisable. While there are many resources online to help you file a DIY divorce, you are likely to run into trouble without hiring a family law attorney to guide …