If you are considering divorce, you may have a lot of questions about the process. What are the requirements? How long will it take? The good news is that Florida does not have a lot of requirements, unlike other states, which may require a long residency period, a cooling down period, or a valid reason for the divorce. Florida is …
I Want a Divorce but Cannot Locate My Spouse
In a last-ditch effort to save their marriage, some couples opt for a trial separation. They may believe that time apart will help improve their marriage. Sometimes this works, but more often than not, it does not. In fact, 87% of separations lead to divorce. When couples separate, they usually keep in touch with each other, but that is not …
How Entrepreneurship can Lead to Divorce
Even if you do not have a rigorous daily schedule, carrying on a romantic relationship can be difficult. If you are an entrepreneur trying to run a business and also have a successful relationship, you are bound to fall short. Either your marriage is going to fail or your business is—or maybe even both. A business requires a lot of …
Moving on After Divorce
Going through a divorce can be a painful experience, especially if you have children or you were were married for a very long time. It can be hard to start over after being with someone for so long, but the recent rise of gray divorces shows that no matter what age you get divorced, you can move on and be …
Helping Children Deal With Divorce
Divorce is never an easy process, and it can be especially complex when children are involved. Children can be resilient, but it can still take some time for them to bounce back after watching their family split apart. After all, kids thrive on routine and a divorce means many changes, including adjusting to two different households. Fortunately, if you handle …
Issues Men Commonly Face in Divorce
After a divorce, it is men who tend to be more financially well-off than women. They tend to have a better idea of finances, since they most likely have worked more throughout the marriage, while the women tend to stay home and raise children more often. Even though they may not struggle financially, men do struggle in other ways, though …
Financial Mistakes to Avoid in Divorce
Beside dealing with the death of a loved one, a divorce is one of the most stressful events a person will go through. A divorce brings out intense emotions and they are not cheap to pursue. A divorce can cost tens of thousands of dollars. On top of that, a person can lose out on assets and money to which …
Surprising Divorce Trends
One of the most talked-about divorce statistics is the fact that 50% of marriages end in divorce. But is this statistic actually true? In reality, over any given year, fewer than 5% of marriages end in divorce. Add this up, and over time, the actual percentage of divorces is between 40 and 50%. Ethnicity, age and money are also factors …
When Abandonment Leads to Divorce
When you think of someone abandoning their marriage, you may think of the husband or wife getting up and leaving the house, never to return. While this is a common form of abandonment, marital abandonment can happen in other ways, as well. If one spouse is actively taking steps to stop supporting a partner and children physically, emotionally, and financially, …
Why Hire a Lawyer for Your Divorce
You and your spouse have decided to file for divorce. Your first question may be: Do I need a lawyer? The answer is a resounding yes! Divorces are challenging to fight even when a lawyer is involved. You can imagine how frustrating it would be to divorce on your own, without any legal help. Unless you and your spouse agree …