How Social Media is Impacting Divorce

How Social Media is Impacting Divorce

Social media has been known for breaking up marriages. It has also been known for negatively impacting divorces. Millions of American use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on a daily basis. Most post freely, not realizing the impact that each post has on their personal life. Many people post frequently about everything and this can come back to haunt them, especially …

Same-Sex Divorce in Florida

Same-Sex Divorce in Florida

It used to be that marriage and divorce were reserved for heterosexual couples. Same-sex couples were not allowed to be married. That all changed on June 26, 2015. The United States Supreme Court decided that, under the 14th Amendment, same-sex couples had the constitutional right to marry. This meant that couples could legally marry in any of the 50 states. …

Establishing Paternity in Florida

Establishing Paternity in Florida

Is your son or daughter really your biological child? If you are a mother, you likely answered yes, as maternity really can not be disputed. If you give birth to a child, it is biologically related to you. If you are a man, you may also assume your children are really yours. In fact, under Florida law, if you are …

How Divorce Affects Kids

How Divorce Affects Kids

Making the decision to divorce can be tough, especially if children are involved. After all, a divorce will affect them, as well—maybe even more than you. They will have to split their time between two households. They will likely feel angry and confused. Should they still love their mother or father even though mom and dad no longer love each …

Financial Impact of Gray Divorce

Financial Impact of Gray Divorce

Many couples truly only stay together for the children, as witnessed by the sudden uptick in divorce after the age of 50. These gray divorces are happening more often as couples decide they no longer want to stay married forever. People are living longer nowadays, and living and dying miserable is no longer an attractive option. Retirement was once known …

Gray Divorce: Should You be Concerned?

Gray Divorce: Should You be Concerned?

Divorce rates are declining overall, which is good news for those who are married. The bad news? Divorce rates are actually rising for those over 50. In the past, divorces tend to happen more with couples in their 20s and 30s, but that is no longer the case. Dubbed “gray divorces,” more and more people over the age of 50 …

What to Discuss With Your Divorce Lawyer

What to Discuss With Your Divorce Lawyer

If you have never been divorced before, it can be a scary and stressful undertaking. What will happen next? Will you get custody of the kids? Who will pay child support? Will you get to stay in the marital home? Going from married life to single life is a lot more complicated than it seems. There are assets to divide. …

Domestic Violence: Consequences and Statistics

Domestic Violence: Consequences and Statistics

Domestic violence may not seem all that common, but it is actually an epidemic. It is something that happens everywhere, every day. Every year, 1.3 million women are assaulted by their partners. Every day in the United States, at least three women are killed by their boyfriends or husbands. In 2015, there were 107,666 acts of domestic violence in Florida …

Top Causes of Divorce

The Top Causes of Divorce

Most of us are well aware that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. In the United States, there are more than 800,000 divorces every year. Contrary to popular belief, marriage is not a fairytale. Happily ever after does not exist unless both parties commit to hard work. Why do marriages break down? There are many reasons why a …

Alimony in Florida: What to Expect in a Divorce

Alimony in Florida: What to Expect in a Divorce

After a divorce, many people are forced to continue financially supporting their now ex-spouse through alimony. Alimony allows divorced spouses to continue with the standard of living they enjoyed while they were married. If one person earns significantly more than the other, the court could order that person to pay one of the various types of alimony. Alimony is not …