It may seem like summer has just started, but for divorced parents, it is never too early to plan for a smooth transition back to school, particularly for parents whose divorce was recently finalized or will soon be and who may be planning for their first back-to-school experience as a divorced mom or dad. Divorce is a challenging experience on …
How to Tell Children About Divorce
Divorce is a stressful event for all involved. Unfortunately, many children get caught up in their parents’ divorce. Many have no clue that their parents are dealing with marital strife until Mom or Dad breaks the news, and breaking the news is no easy task. It is like telling your little one that the family dog died. So, this begs …
Planning for Divorce: What You Need to Know
Most couples plan for a wedding—the day they will say “I do” and pledge their love to each other in front of friends and family members. Hardly anyone wants to divorce. Almost all couples get married with the intention of being together as a couple forever. Nobody plans for a divorce, but the reality is that couples should. Given …
Pensions and Divorce
Divorce can be a complex process. Often, the law can be confusing when it comes to divorce, especially concerning division of assets. In fact, determining just how to divide assets is often one of the most contentious parts of the divorce process. One common subject that often plays an important role in asset division is pensions, and understanding the law …
Guardians ad Litem and Divorce
Few aspects of the divorce process are usually considered pleasant. It is understandably a stressful journey, and an experienced Florida divorce lawyer understands how difficult divorce can be for everyone affected by it. One of the most contentious issues in divorce that involves children is often custody, also referred to in Florida as time-sharing – especially in circumstances in which …
Tips for Avoiding a Contested Divorce
It is no secret that divorce is an unpleasant process. In fact, it is consistently ranked as one of life’s most stressful experiences. While there really is not a way to remove all of the stress and challenges from the divorce process, there are steps that you can take that may make the process a little less difficult for everyone …
Preventing Divorce From Sabotaging College for Your Kids
As time goes by, costs go up. Education is no exception. In fact, it is rare to go long without hearing something in the news about the skyrocketing cost of a college education. That can be intimidating for parents who are trying to save to pay for their kids’ college. When divorce enters the picture, that can make parents even …
An Introduction to Florida Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Historically, prenuptial agreements have been associated with the ultra-wealthy who are looking to protect their families’ interests when entering into a marriage. However, prenuptial agreements have actually become much more common and accessible in recent years. In spite of their bad reputation, these marital agreements have advanced to a place where they can fulfill their purpose of protecting assets but …
Avoiding Prenuptial Agreement Pitfalls
Prenuptial agreements were traditionally marital contracts that were relegated to the wealthy and elite. They still play a significant role in celebrity and other high-profile divorces. However, prenuptial agreements are much more common than many people may realize. Prenuptial agreements have become more accessible to the general public, and with the variety of nontraditional marriages and families that exist today, …
Complications in Same-Sex Divorce
Most people who have experienced divorce will tell you that it is not an easy process. Even when both spouses reach a mutual conclusion that divorce is the best option for moving forward, the divorce process can be draining on a number of different levels. It is no secret that divorce can have an impact on a person’s finances, both …