Divorce and Adopted Children

Divorce and Adopted Children

For many people, family is an important aspect of everyday life. Families come in many shapes and sizes, and there are a variety of paths individuals can take to create a family that meets his or her needs and objectives. Many families start with marriage. From there, many families want to expand to include a child or several children. Depending …

Busting Five Common Divorce Myths

Busting Five Common Divorce Myths

For many people, family is one of the most important aspects in life. That is why the decisions people make regarding their family require so much thought and consideration. People generally do not take the decision to get married lightly, and the same goes for the decision to pursue divorce. When times get tough, divorce is an option many people …

Can a Marriage Plan Help You?

Can a Marriage Plan Help You?

Marriage is not a decision to be taken lightly. There are many considerations that go into actually following through with saying ‘yes.’ How will the bills be handled? Where will the partners live and how will they dispose of individual real property? Whose name will be on the utility bills? Are children in the future, and if so how many? …

Alimony and the New Tax Law

Alimony and the New Tax Law

Whenever the government takes a new approach to something, a certain amount of confusion and misunderstanding is expected. This is especially true when a new approach affects as many people as the most recent tax legislation has. In addition to taking a new approach to taxes, tax brackets, payments, and other aspects of the tax code, the new tax legislation …

Could a Sleep Divorce Improve Your Marriage?

Could a Sleep Divorce Improve Your Marriage?

There are many reasons why couples pursue divorce, and even more reasons why they may consider divorce. Infidelity and financial concerns are often among the most cited reasons for divorce, as well as simply having grown apart from each other. Some marriages end because of domestic violence, others because of substance abuse, and some marriages end because of professional growth …

Tips to Avoid Divorce

Tips to Avoid Divorce

Statistics surrounding divorce are often misunderstood, or at the very least misquoted. Sometimes, divorce statistics may make it seem as though divorce is inevitable, especially if you and your spouse are experiencing a difficult period in your marriage. However, a recent article from Psychology Today reminds us that that is not true. While these tips certainly will not work for …

To Keep or to Change: Divorce and Your Name

To Keep or to Change: Divorce and Your Name

What’s in a name? Well, the answer is – quite simply – a lot. That is why the status of names is often an important detail that can easily be overlooked during divorce. However, addressing it is an important part of the divorce that often has meaning for both spouses. Additionally, both spouses may have a significant interest in any …

Buying a Home after Divorce

Buying a Home after Divorce

Divorce can be a difficult experience for everyone involved. Given how much is often at stake when it comes to divorce, it is no surprise that divorce is often ranked as one of life’s most stressful experiences. Buying a home is also often found on that list. When the two concerns are combined, people may face a great many pitfalls …

Medical Marijuana and Your Divorce

Medical Marijuana and Your Divorce

Over the last several years, there has been momentous statewide movements across the country aimed at legalizing marijuana use. While some states have legalized recreational marijuana use, other states – like Florida – are changing the way they address medical marijuana. Recent developments in Florida have seen restrictions on medical marijuana greatly reduced, so much so that medical marijuana dispensaries …

Common Misconceptions About Custody

Common Misconceptions About Custody

Few aspects of the divorce process can be described as easy. Most people know that divorce will be challenging and take that into consideration before making the difficult decision to pursue divorce. However, knowing that divorce can and will be difficult does not always prepare people for the challenges divorce can present. One of the most challenging aspects of a …