Divorce and the New Year: Tips for Starting Off on the Right Foot

There are few things in life more challenging than a divorce. Emerging from a divorce can be a gratifying experience, but it can also be intimidating. While you are likely removed from many of the negative factors that led you to seek divorce, there are also a lot of uncertainties. When you are ready to finalize your divorce or if …

Mortgages and Divorce

Divorce is often a difficult and unsettling experience. It can also be confusing, especially for spouses who shared a number of different assets during the marriage. Unraveling financial ties can be difficult, but it is important that you not overlook this part of the divorce process. One of the most important financial aspects of divorce often centers on the couple’s …

Is Divorce Right for You?

Many couples make a joint decision to investigate divorce. In other situations, circumstances arise that lead one spouse to consider divorce. While some couples and individuals have a firm understanding of divorce and have made the decision that divorce is right for their family, others may still have questions and could be considering divorce as one of many options for …

Taxes and Divorce

Divorce typically means you and your spouse will be required to file separate tax returns. Doing so can have a significant impact on your individual tax liability as it may change some of the deductions you previously had available to you. The Internal Revenue Service has numerous tax guidelines to which divorced or separated couples must adhere, and understanding them …

Long-Distance Custody Tips

The Florida divorce process is filled with many important parts, but when children are involved, custody issues often take center stage. Rightfully so, considering that parents want the best for their children. You and your spouse will need to present a parenting plan to the judge prior to finalizing a custody arrangement. Parenting plans require great attention to detail. The …

DIY Divorce Pitfall: Retirement Accounts

If you prepare properly, retirement can be blissful. It can be a well-deserved reward after a lifetime of hard work and dedication. Retirement can simplify your life and allow you to do many of the things you have always wanted to do. For many people, financial stability in retirement is provided by a mix of social security payments and pensions …

Preparing for Child Custody Proceedings

When children are involved in a divorce, one of the most contentious issues of the divorce proceedings can often be child custody. There are many different factors that play into child custody determinations, most heavily dependent on the unique relationships involved in the divorce. While all aspects of a divorce can be extremely difficult, child custody certainly ranks among the …

New App Aims to Help Families Struggling with Divorce

Navigating divorce can be difficult, especially for families with children. It can be much more difficult to determine who is picking the kids up from school or sports practice, who is taking the kids to the doctor, when the children will spend time with grandparents, and generally learning to adapt to a new way of parenting and living in general. …

Custody Concerns for Parents Who Travel for Work

In today’s global economy, it is not uncommon for one or both people in a marriage to have to travel for work. Of course, some careers involve more travel than others. Sometimes work-related travel happens on a regular schedule, and sometimes it is heavier during one period of time than it is during other periods. Whatever the case might be, …

Tips for Creating Holiday Visitation Schedules

Holidays are one of the most difficult parts of divorce. During the divorce process, they can be wrought with tension and uncertainty. Often, that does not change during the first holiday season after a divorce. In fact, holidays can often be difficult for divorced families many years after a divorce has been finalized. When approaching negotiations over custody and other …