Tips for Divorced Parents Navigating Holidays

While we have written about this topic in the past, with the holidays fast approaching, it bears revisiting. The divorce process is difficult for every person involved in it, including both parents and children. Facing holidays for the first time after a divorce can be extremely hard, and many people do not know what to expect. Even for those that …

Financial Aid and Divorce

Parents want the best for their children in all aspects of life. From the time a child is born, parents imagine the wonderful things the new addition to the family will one day be able to do and experience. Education is one of the most fundamental aspects of raising children, and many parents go to great lengths to ensure that …

Divorce and Children with Special Needs

Every child is special. From the time parents first learn they will be welcoming a child, preparations and plans for the child’s future begin. Sometimes, parents find that their child requires special care and attention because of any number of disabilities. While these disabilities may not limit a child’s potential and certainly do not limit the parents’ love, they may …

Helpful Tips for Making Co-Parenting Work

Parenting is a unique experience and only those members of an individual family can truly understand the challenges of parenthood, whether married or divorced. However, the following tips adapted from can provide some insight into how to approach co-parenting in a healthy and productive way that keeps the true focus of your parenting where it should be – on …

Coping with Divorce: Post-Divorce Travel Trends

There is no shortage of information and advice on how to cope with divorce once your settlement has been finalized and you are looking at taking the next steps in your new life. One noticeable trend that may have a place in how you eventually cope with your divorce is post-divorce travel and its role in helping individuals jump start …

New Research Underscores the Importance of Shared Custody

The divorce process in Florida and elsewhere is often extremely difficult for those involved in it. Children are especially vulnerable to many of the pitfalls of divorcing parents. Sometimes during a divorce, heightened emotions can blind people to the needs of others involved in the divorce but who might not have an active role. This includes children. All too often, …

Tips for Making the Most Out of Mediation

Traditionally, divorce has been an adversarial process that can often be more difficult than needs to be. However, the last few decades have seen new approaches to the divorce process, such as mediation. Mediation is a process in which two parties attempt to reach a settlement over a conflict between them by allowing an impartial third party to help them …

After the Divorce: Tips for Coping

Finalizing a divorce can be a welcome relief to everyone involved in it. Chances are, your divorce was meant to be a stepping stone to a new period in your life in which you no longer have to deal with the issues that led to your divorce. However, finalizing a divorce can actually bring about a new set of issues. …

Can You Keep Your Kids in the United States?

It has never been easier to get from one part of the world to another. All it takes is the ability to travel internationally, which usually comes with obtaining a passport, and the means to purchase a ticket to get just about anywhere you want to go. As such, families today are more diverse than ever. There are many factors …

Back-to-School Tips for Divorced Parents

For newly divorced parents with children, there are a lot of lingering questions. How will the divorce ultimately affect the children? Will your parenting plan be successful? How will the divorce affect your relationship with your children? All of these are important questions to ask, but many divorced parents also wonder how to navigate the difficult process of sending kids …