Marriage can intertwine two people’s lives more than they notice. That means that when married couples decide to pursue divorce, they will need to begin to separate all areas of their lives that have been woven together. That could mean negotiating a settlement with each other or between their respective lawyers. It may mean hashing out a custody arrangement that …
Common Mistakes in Gray Divorce
There are many reasons why individuals get divorced. Some common reasons include infidelity, financial disagreements, or simply growing apart. As you can imagine, these types of circumstances can arise at almost any point during a marriage. For baby boomers, these issues have become increasingly common later in life. This has led to an increase in what is referred to as …
Adultery and Florida Divorce
Divorce is a deeply personal process and nobody has exactly the same divorce experience as anyone else. However, as individualized as the Florida divorce process ultimately is, there are some similarities between the reasons people often choose to get divorced. One of those reasons is when one spouse is unfaithful to the other. Cheating on your spouse with another individual, …
Things Not to Say to Someone Going Through a Divorce
Often, we can become so involved in the lives of friends and family members that their experiences can begin to exhaust us. We feel compelled to offer them all of the help, advice, condolences, nights out, and extra shoulders to cry on that we can muster up. This is especially true during a divorce. While it is certainly important to …
Alaska Becomes First to Treat Pets Like Children in Divorce
Many people have companion animals that play a very important role in their lives. Be it a dog, cat, iguana, horse, parakeet, ferret, or virtually any other legal animal, pets can play an extremely important role in a couple’s day-to-day life. This is especially true when a pet is jointly brought into a home by both spouses. Typically, a divorce …
Avoiding the Disneyland Dad/Mom Trap
The divorce process can take its toll on a person mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Beyond its effects on an individual, it can quickly change the dynamics of a relationship between parents and their children. Typically, a married couple has relatively unfettered access to their children and is able to spend large amounts of time with them. However, when divorce …
Interpreting the Divorce Rate
Many people are aware of the common adage that around half of all marriages end in divorce. The repetition of this idea has had a profound impact on how society views marriage and divorce. Recent numbers actually indicate that the divorce rate has declined, possibly to around 30%. reports that divorce rates are at their lowest in nearly 40 years. …
Creating Workable Boundaries With Your Ex After Divorce
Couples divorce for many reasons. Sometimes they realize quickly that the marriage was a mistake, sometimes a spouse commits an unforgiveable act, and sometimes people just grow apart. Today, it is not uncommon to find couples divorcing after just a couple weeks of marriage or later in life after many years or decades together. Whatever the length of time you …
Florida Supreme Court Changes Rules Of Procedure For Family Law
The Supreme Court of Florida has passed amendments to the Florida family Law rules of procedure. These rules changes became effective March 16, 2017. The rule changes were a result of the family Law rules committee and the report recommending that the Florida Supreme Court adopt many amendments to the Florida family Law rules of procedure to govern family law …
High-Asset Florida Divorce
Divorce is never an easy process. There are so many different things each person needs to consider while simultaneously dealing with the end of a marriage. Living arrangements must be determined, property must be divided, and concerns over children must be addressed in some cases. Divorce challenges even the strongest individual mentally, emotionally, and physically. It can be an even …