What to Ask Before Hiring a Divorce Lawyer

What to Ask Before Hiring a Divorce Lawyer

If you or your spouse has decided to file for divorce, you are likely scared and anxious. If you have never been divorced before, you are likely unsure about the process. You may have a lot of questions, and that is OK. The law can be complex when it comes to the various elements of divorce, so it is understandable …

Can You Stop a Divorce?

Can You Stop a Divorce?

In most divorce cases, both parties agree the marriage is not working and that divorce is the best answer. But what if you are blindsided by your spouse’s decision and you truly do not want a divorce? Can you legally disagree? Can you stop the divorce from happening? While every state allows for no-fault divorce (meaning neither party has to …

What Will Happen to Your Friends After Your Divorce?

What Will Happen to Your Friends After Your Divorce?

You may expect that your friends will be there through thick and thin. During a divorce, you may hope that you can use your friends as a shoulder to cry on. Sadly, this does not always happen. You may find that while you are in the midst of a divorce, your friends are nowhere to be found. While some of …

When is it Considered Cheating?

When is it Considered Cheating?

When you think of cheating, you may think of a person in a relationship who is having sexual relations with someone who is not their partner. This is a good start in defining what cheating is, but it is not the full definition. Cheating can take on many forms. In fact, some people cheat on their spouses and do not …

Have You Fallen Out of Love With Your Spouse?

Have You Fallen Out of Love With Your Spouse?

When a person gets married, they expect to live happily ever after. They assume they will be in love with their spouse forever. While many couples do stay happily married for many years—even decades—not all do.  The truth is that people sometimes fall out of love. People grow up and become more mature as they get older. What they desired …

Why Divorce is Harder for Men Than Women

Why Divorce is Harder for Men Than Women

There is no doubt that divorce takes its toll on everyone involved, from the spouses to the children to even the extended families. Life after divorce is difficult for both spouses, but who has it worse? Many articles will tell you that women have it worse due to financial issues involved. Overall, however, men have a more difficult time moving …

How to Deal With a Difficult Divorce

How to Deal With a Difficult Divorce

Not all divorces are alike. Some are easier than others, since both parties are in a hurry to get divorced. Some spouses may even divorce amicably and file for an uncontested divorce.  Other divorces, however, are much more challenging. There are a lot of elements involved in a marriage and trying to untangle them all can be stressful, to say …

Why You are Struggling So Much Post-Divorce

Why You are Struggling So Much Post-Divorce

Nobody said divorce would be easy. The process may seem unbearable, especially at first when you are trying to get all your paperwork together. Then it gets worse again as you and your spouse argue over assets, child custody, and everything else. Then, once the divorce is finalized, you may finally feel a sense of relief. But then the pain …

Dating During a Pandemic

Dating During a Pandemic

Dating after divorce is never easy, and it is even more complicated when you attempt to do it during a pandemic. Over a year later, there are still fears about COVID, so how can you date safely? There is no easy answer. Dating became a challenge even before COVID hit and now having to social distance and protect your health …

Does a Postnuptial Agreement Make Sense for You?

Does a Postnuptial Agreement Make Sense for You?

You agreed to get married without a prenuptial agreement, but a few years down the road, things changed. Your spouse developed a gambling habit and you are worried about finances. Maybe you are concerned you could lose all your money to a cheating spouse. Perhaps you have a business in the works and want to protect your family. Or maybe …