When people think of the most miserable and devastating experience possible, most would say the death of a loved one. Those who have ended their marriages would also rank a divorce high up on the list. A divorce is an emotional process that can last a long time and become very expensive. While many couples choose to end their divorce …
Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Divorce
With the average divorce costing $15,000 or so, many couples opt for the DIY route. They figure they can handle the divorce themselves using online forms and other internet resources. They also assume they can get the process done cheaply and move on with their lives. It cannot be that hard, right? Wrong! A DIY could work, but only for …
When Your Family Does Not Support Your Divorce
Family is supposed to be there for you. When you lost your job, your parents let you move back in. When you were sick and unable to get out of bed, your neighbors came over to check on you. Now, after many years of unhappy marriage, you are getting ready to leave your spouse, and suddenly nobody is there to …
Pre-Divorce Checklist
A divorce is a major life event, and you should prepare for it thoroughly. You cannot suddenly announce you are filing for a divorce in the middle of a heated argument with your spouse and expect things to go smoothly. While there is no ideal way to divorce, you can make the process easier with a lot of planning and …
How Cohabitation can Impact Alimony
You got divorced a few years ago and you were ordered by the court to pay your ex-wife alimony. You found out that she has a boyfriend and they have been living together. You are pretty sure that he has been giving her money to pay the rent and other expenses. Can this impact the alimony payment? Remarriage can often …
Why You Should Encourage Your Child to Participate in Activities Post Divorce
A divorce can be a confusing time for not only yourself but any children involved. Younger children will especially have a tough time trying to understand what happened. They may even think they are to blame. Older children may lash out, get moody and experiment with drugs and alcohol as they navigate life with divorced parents. While divorce is not …
Tips for Co-Parenting After Divorce
Divorce is never easy. The process brings about a lot of inner turmoil. You may have had high expectations for your marriage, only to see things go sour. Divorce does allow you to move on, though, so you can find a better relationship. However, if you have children involved, you will always be linked to your ex-spouse. This may not …
When Your Parents Divorce Later in Life
It can be devastating for a young child to experience their parents’ divorce. It upends life for many years. Many still reel from the effects years later and even find it hard to get married themselves because they fear the same fate. Even when you are grown up and living out of the family home, there is still the possibility …
Why You Should Not be in a Rush to Divorce
Statistics show that approximately 50% of marriages end in divorce. Divorce is not something to be taken lightly, though. It is a highly emotional process for all involved. It splits up a family. One household becomes two, often causing financial problems for many years. It is a permanent solution to a problem that is usually just temporary. For example, many …
Should Children Know if Infidelity Was the Cause of a Divorce?
You and your spouse are getting a divorce. The reason? Your husband is cheating on you. He has been having an affair for a few years now and you just found out. You are devastated, but ready to call it quits and move on. But you are dreading something else: What should you tell the children? Infidelity is bad enough …