Important Tips for Divorce Success

It is no secret that divorce can be a long, draining process that is difficult to navigate and can often become adversarial. After all, you are ending a relationship with someone that you presumably thought was supposed to last forever. Regardless of the individual reasons behind your divorce, many people find it difficult to maintain focus during the divorce process …

Understanding and Dealing with Default Divorce Judgments

In today’s world, it seems like there is never enough time to do many of the things we are tasked with doing on a daily basis. It always seems like there is somewhere to go, some errand to be run, someone to see, or something that keeps us from accomplishing the many things we try to fit into our daily …

U.S. Divorce Rates Decline for Third Year

For the third year in a row, divorce rates have declined in the United States according to a recent article from Time Magazine. The country’s 2015 divorce rate saw a nearly 40-year low according to the article, which is based on data collected by Bowling Green State University. In addition, the country’s marriage rate saw a slight increase last year …

Preparing for Divorce

Life is full of many twists and turns. Things we spend a great deal of planning for do not always work out the way we initially hoped, and major events can have a serious impact on our life and livelihood. When possible, dealing with the changes that inevitably affect even the best laid plans is made easier by being prepared. …

Florida Adoption: Preparing for a Home Study

For many couples, adoption is the best option for bringing a child into the family. This can be the result of many different individual circumstances, and can prove to be an exhausting process if you are not prepared for all that is required. While the Florida adoption process is intense and sometimes lengthy, couples that have made the decision to …

When You are Already Divorced, You May Still Need a Family Lawyer

The end of the divorce process can be a welcome relief to people that have made the difficult choice to go through it. Once a divorce is finalized, there can be many opportunities that arise for people to begin a new chapter in life. However, even when a divorce has been finalized, there are still a number of reasons that …

Public Access to Divorce Records

For most people, the divorce process is an extremely intimate experience. The divorce process inherently involves very private, personal information and details that many people do not want to share openly. Given the extremely personal nature of the Florida divorce process, it may be surprising for some people to know that Florida divorce records are publicly accessible. While the process …

Divorced Family Tips: Navigating the Holidays with Children

The Florida divorce process can be challenging for any individual that finds him or herself going through it. The divorce process often involves many emotions and challenges that can be difficult to overcome. This is especially true when the divorce process involves children. Many parents are able to breathe a sigh of relief when a Florida divorce is finalized, but …

How Do I Get Sole Custody of My Child in Florida?

Navigating the divorce process can be extremely difficult, which is one of the reasons it is an effective decision to use a Florida family law attorney with a practice focused on divorce. The process is even more challenging when children are involved, especially in circumstances where a parent believes that the other parent is potentially unfit to have shared custody. …

Does Florida Alimony End When You Start a New Relationship?

There are no easy answers to questions surrounding the divorce process. Many variables can affect how long the process will take, how the process will conclude, and the financial obligations of each spouse after the divorce. One outcome of a divorce settlement might be that one spouse owes alimony, also referred to as spousal support, to the other spouse. If …