Proposed Law Aims to Split Custody Between Parents

Florida courts, like many – if not all – other states, make decisions about child custody based on the best interests of the child. However, Florida does recognize the presumption that a child’s best interests are served when the child maintains a relationship with both parents. A new piece of proposed legislation could change the way custody is handled in …

The Divorce Gap

Divorce is an extremely difficult process. The choice to leave a marriage, especially when children are involved, can take an extreme emotional toll on both spouses, even when those spouses agree on the decision to pursue divorce. Unfortunately, one of the side of effects of divorce is known as “the divorce gap.” This gap refers to the gap in income …

Altering the Narrative: Positive Thinking in Divorce

The majority of people contemplating divorce do so because they have experienced some sort of profound unhappiness in their relationship. The unhappiness may stem from adultery, finances, lack of communication, or just a general uneasiness that a marriage is not working. For each individual person, the thought process that leads him or her to consider divorce is difficult, and the …

Getting a Divorce While Renting

Following the recent economic crisis throughout the United States and the volatile housing market fluctuations, many couples have opted for or were forced to enter rental agreements. Rental agreements are also known as leaseholds. With home prices often at levels unattainable for couples that may just be starting their professional careers or may have switched careers during their marriage, renting …

Developments in Florida Alimony Law

The divorce process is never easy, and it can be especially complex when issues regarding child support, child custody, and alimony are involved. Many of the rules and regulations governing these aspects of divorce have been in place for an exceedingly long time, in Florida and in other states across the country. In other words, they have not been statutorily …

Beyond Stereotypes: Spousal Support for Men

Spousal support, also known as alimony, usually falls into two general categories: short-term and long-term. Florida law allows spousal support to be ordered by a judge while a divorce is being litigated before it is final or on a particular basis after the divorce is final, as long as a judge finds the need for such support in the intended …

What Custody Option is Best?

The divorce process can be extremely stressful and difficult for a husband and wife. It is a sensitive and personal process that is unique to each party involved. It can often be more stressful and difficult when children are involved, especially when both parents try to take into consideration the best interests of the children, as they should rightfully do. …

Preparing to Meet With Your Divorce Attorney

If you are considering divorce and consequently contacting a family law attorney with experience in handling divorces, you are well aware of the stressful situation you have found yourself in. Divorce is not an easy decision, and it can be exhausting for all parties involved. There may be a great deal of conflict in your personal life, you may experience …

Summer Vacation for Divorced Parents

As spring draws to a close, summer vacation looms even closer. This is inevitably a joyous time for children, who can easily foresee lazy days of no school and plenty of free time to do the things they have wanted to do throughout the school year. At the same time, this can increase the stress levels involved in parenting exponentially. …

Understanding Rehabilitative Alimony in Florida

The divorce process can be both stressful and complex, carrying consequences long beyond the final judgment. While many people may be concerned with obtaining support payments, or alimony, after the marriage, the truth of the matter is that a person’s needs depend on his or her own individual situation, and what might be right for one person might not be …