Is Ashley Madison Causing Divorces?

If you have been paying attention to the news within the past few months, then you may have heard of a recent leak of personal information from the website Ashley Madison. While there have been plenty of data breaches that have affected millions of people, due to the nature of Ashley Madison’s services (the company’s slogan is “Life is short, …

Complex Florida Divorces – Husband with Dementia

In any family law case, there are a number of considerations that crop up that most people may not initially consider. While the court provides for some unexpected life changes by allowing for modification of parenting plans or support payments, there are also situations in which the court may not have an immediate answer. A recent case in which a …

Can You Divorce Your Spouse if You Cannot Find Him?

Divorce can be a stressful time in a person’s life. Not only are there a lot of considerations that follow the divorce such as financial divisions and social stresses, but there are a slew of concerns that occur before the divorce has even been finalized. One such example is that of notifying the other spouse that you are filing a …

Understanding Re-location and Time Sharing in Florida

In any divorce, there are a number of considerations that can complicate matters. In a divorce, the outcome is rarely as simple as filing a few forms with the court and letting the parties move on with their lives, especially when minor children are involved. This is because life goes on and new changes arise every day. Sometimes, it may …

When Can Parental Rights Be Terminated in Florida?

The relationship between a parent and a child is a special one in the United States, where many laws or services exist in order to protect and assist a parent-child relationship. As most people are aware, however, there are times when it may be necessary for a parent and child to be separated. While there may be situations in which …

National Divorce Law – Do We Need It?

Marital issues have had a large impact on the news over the past few years. From the overturning of the Defense of Marriage Act, to the Supreme Court’s decision defending the constitutional protection of the right to engage in same-sex marriages, a lot of big issues have been decided on a national scale. As most people may tell you, however, …

Marriage & Divorce in America

When it comes to marriage and divorce, a lot of data gets thrown around. Most people are familiar with the statistic that around 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce, and while this statistic is not too far off from the truth, there is much more data that can change the outlook of divorce in America. It is important …

Divorce Tips for Husbands

Divorce can be a difficult thing to deal with, regardless of who you might be. There are considerations in a divorce that are common to the majority of couples, such as how to divide marital property and who gets custody of the children, but some people have different considerations and concerns when it comes to divorce. While both men and …

Understanding Successful Step-Parent Relationships

In many cases, the effects of a divorce can reach much further than just the parties to the case, including any minor children involved in the case. Life, however, does not stop just because an individual has obtained a divorce, and it is likely that an individual might remarry after a divorce. While there can be some initial awkwardness between …

Protecting Children During Divorce

Divorce is rarely a simple process. In many cases, the divorce process can be a source of stress and frustration for the parties involved. While parties to a divorce have many considerations, such as support payments or property division, they are not the only ones affected by the stress that comes with divorce. Even though a child generally has little …