For most people, the divorce process is an extremely intimate experience. The divorce process inherently involves very private, personal information and details that many people do not want to share openly. Given the extremely personal nature of the Florida divorce process, it may be surprising for some people to know that Florida divorce records are publicly accessible. While the process …
Divorced Family Tips: Navigating the Holidays with Children
The Florida divorce process can be challenging for any individual that finds him or herself going through it. The divorce process often involves many emotions and challenges that can be difficult to overcome. This is especially true when the divorce process involves children. Many parents are able to breathe a sigh of relief when a Florida divorce is finalized, but …
How Do I Get Sole Custody of My Child in Florida?
Navigating the divorce process can be extremely difficult, which is one of the reasons it is an effective decision to use a Florida family law attorney with a practice focused on divorce. The process is even more challenging when children are involved, especially in circumstances where a parent believes that the other parent is potentially unfit to have shared custody. …
Does Florida Alimony End When You Start a New Relationship?
There are no easy answers to questions surrounding the divorce process. Many variables can affect how long the process will take, how the process will conclude, and the financial obligations of each spouse after the divorce. One outcome of a divorce settlement might be that one spouse owes alimony, also referred to as spousal support, to the other spouse. If …
The Role of Parenting Coordinators in a Florida Divorce
The divorce process can be difficult for both spouses. It is certain to bring up a mix of emotions that can sometimes make it difficult to focus on a fair and reasonable outcome for both parties. The process becomes even more difficult when children are involved. While parents certainly want the best for their children and generally hope to spare …
Understanding Child Custody Rights of Stepparents
Many years ago, a large number of families were similar to one another. Today, families can be made up of many different components and may look very different from one another. In today’s society, it is not uncommon for children from a parent’s first marriage to be in a situation where they live with that parent and his or her …
What is the “Discovery” Portion of a Florida Divorce?
If you have been involved in a lawsuit outside of small claims cases, chances are you have had to go through a period known as discovery. This period of time usually involves several different tools to obtain information pertinent to the case in question. Divorce is no exception to this process, especially given the fact that there is a great …
When is a Prenuptial Agreement Not Enforced Florida?
While most people do not get married with the ultimate goal of getting divorced, a divorce can become inevitable in some marriages. Prenuptial agreements are well-known documents that are created in an effort to protect assets as well as dictate how such assets are to be divided in case of divorce. For many years, they were mostly used by wealthy …
The Role of Mental Health in Child Custody in Florida
Divorce is a stressful process. People facing divorce must cope with the fact that a marriage that they have invested a great deal of time and energy in is coming to an end. This can take a toll on a person’s emotions, and many times people experiencing divorce may need the help of a licensed medical professional to help them …
Co-Parenting Tips for Families
The divorce process is always difficult for everyone involved, and it can be even more difficult when there are children involved. The process can be time-consuming, confusing, and emotionally draining. However, once a divorce is finalized, new questions and problems can arise. Divorced couples need time to adjust to the new dynamics of their life. When children are involved, they …