It is no secret that divorce can be a complex and stressful process. Relationships involving children can come with their own unique situations, however. While most people typically think of child custody matters as a portion of divorce proceedings, custody proceedings are a completely separate matter. In fact, the focus of the court is primarily on the child and the …
Personal Health and Wellness Tips for Getting Through Divorce
As most people are aware, divorce can be a stressful process. While there are some divorces that are amicable and smooth, it is not easy to divide a life developed between two people, especially if there are children involved. Between attorney fees, property division, and the stress of the courtroom, it can be easy to lose track of your own …
Retirement Benefits and Asset Division in Divorce
In any divorce, parties are not only concerned with emotional matters that may arise throughout the divorce procedure, but also with the financial matters, mainly asset division, of a divorce. Deciding who gets the marital home and even figuring out how much alimony, if any, a spouse may receive can be stressful topics to deal with in addition to figuring …
Pet Custody and Care in Divorce
It is no surprise that many pet owners love their animal friends. According to statistics gathered by the American Pet Products Association, it is estimated that Americans will spend around $60.59 billion on their pets in 2015 alone. In many cases, pet owners may even consider their pets to be family members on par with children. What happens, then, when …
Inheritance and Property Division in Florida Divorce
One of the most common issues spouses will face upon divorce is that of property division. While spouses can make an out-of-court agreement as to what will be divided and how it will be divided, if it comes to the court, then the outcome may not be as the parties wish. Generally, the court will decide how to divide property …
Proposed Law in Florida May Change Time-Sharing
Divorce is a tough enough matter without having to involve children or child custody. While dividing up property and setting out alimony payments can be contentious topics, they generally pale in comparison to the matter of child custody. While Florida law does not officially recognize the concept of custody when it comes to children in a divorce, they do use …
Contempt in Florida Divorce
There is no question that divorce can be emotionally complex and stressful for all parties involved. Sometimes a party may even act in a way that shows disrespect to the court. While it can be easy to let one’s emotions get the better of of oneself, taking such actions against the court can have disastrous effects on a divorce. While …
Parent’s Rights and Paternity in Florida
It is generally accepted that every parent deserves to spend time with his or her child, as long as it is in the best interests of the child to do so. While there may be situations in which it may not be in the child’s best interest to spend prolonged time with a parent, as long as both parents are …
Protective Orders and Divorce in Florida
When most people enter into a relationship, they do not seek out to be abused by another person. Unfortunately, there are cases in which spouses, or significant others, have taken physical action against their partners. Fortunately, there are steps that individuals can take in order to protect themselves from abusive relationships. When is a Protective Order Necessary? In the State …
Tips to Consider When Selecting a Divorce Attorney
When going into a divorce, there are a number of things to consider. Parties to a divorce will not only have to deal with issues that arise throughout the case, but they will also have to deal with any issues that might come up as a result of daily life. Whether it is kids, work, or even finding someplace new …