Do you sometimes get mad at your spouse? If so, you are not alone. Arguments happen even in the best marriages. Even if you think you and your spouse get along well, you may disagree and raise your voice from time to time. However, constant anger directed toward your spouse is not healthy. If you feel angry at your spouse …
Is Your Marriage in the “Roommate” Phase?
When couples first get married, they are in the honeymoon stage. They spend almost all their time together and cannot keep their hands off each other. Romance is at the forefront of their minds. Unfortunately, that stage does not last forever. Life gets busier over time as people get their careers established and add children to the mix. With so …
Why are Successful People More Likely to Divorce?
Doctors, lawyers, actors, musicians, athletes, business owners — what do all these professions have in common? They are all successful people, but they have another thing in common: high divorce rates. A person can be wildly successful in their career, garnering millions of dollars, promotions, and huge accolades. Unfortunately, though, a successful career does not always translate to a happy …
Staying Single After Age 50
While the divorce rate is staying steady for the most part, it is increasing in one demographic — those over the age of 50. These are called gray divorces, and they have been on the rise for the past few decades. This is a change from the norm, as in the past, it was generally younger people who have not …
Dealing With Divorce as a Man
A divorce is an emotional event that can take a long time to get over. For many people, the process can take years. What is interesting is how the different genders cope with the end of a marriage. Women tend to get a lot of support, whether it is from friends, family members, or therapists. Men? Not so much? Men …
Your Marriage is Ending: What to Do Next
When a relationship is taking a downturn, people tend to be in denial. They think everything is fine. They think things will improve. No relationship is perfect. There will be arguments. There will be rocky patches. But when your marriage involves you and your spouse arguing constantly, then it may be time to think about divorce. While it is good …
What is Micro-Cheating, and How Can it Damage Your Marriage?
When it comes to marriage, one of the things you and your spouse may disagree on is what constitutes cheating. What exactly does it mean to cheat on someone? Infidelity is defined as being unfaithful to a spouse or partner. It can also mean having a romantic or sexual relationship with someone other than your spouse. When you think of …
Hidden Assets in a Divorce
Divorce is complicated and often contentious. When you get divorced, you have to split assets equitably under Florida law. This means that assets are typically split 50/50 or somewhere around that percentage. As you can imagine, not many people like the fact that they have to fork over roughly half of their assets to their spouse in a divorce. This …
Should You Consider an Open Marriage?
The terms “open marriage” and “consensual non-monogamy” have become popular in recent years. What they mean, basically, is swinging, or opening up your marriage to other partners. This is done with consent from both spouses, of course. Otherwise, it would be cheating. Wedding vows tell us to be faithful to our spouse, but nowadays, it is becoming more and more …
When Your Ex-Spouse Moves on Before You
A divorce is an emotional situation comparable to the death of a loved one. Ending a marriage is always devastating, even if it is amicable. But there is something that can throw you for a loop once the divorce has been finalized: seeing your ex-spouse with someone new. This situation can have you questioning yourself. How could they move on …