Divorce is never an easy process, and it can be especially complex when children are involved. Children can be resilient, but it can still take some time for them to bounce back after watching their family split apart. After all, kids thrive on routine and a divorce means many changes, including adjusting to two different households. Fortunately, if you handle …
Issues Men Commonly Face in Divorce
After a divorce, it is men who tend to be more financially well-off than women. They tend to have a better idea of finances, since they most likely have worked more throughout the marriage, while the women tend to stay home and raise children more often. Even though they may not struggle financially, men do struggle in other ways, though …
Financial Mistakes to Avoid in Divorce
Beside dealing with the death of a loved one, a divorce is one of the most stressful events a person will go through. A divorce brings out intense emotions and they are not cheap to pursue. A divorce can cost tens of thousands of dollars. On top of that, a person can lose out on assets and money to which …
Surprising Divorce Trends
One of the most talked-about divorce statistics is the fact that 50% of marriages end in divorce. But is this statistic actually true? In reality, over any given year, fewer than 5% of marriages end in divorce. Add this up, and over time, the actual percentage of divorces is between 40 and 50%. Ethnicity, age and money are also factors …
When Abandonment Leads to Divorce
When you think of someone abandoning their marriage, you may think of the husband or wife getting up and leaving the house, never to return. While this is a common form of abandonment, marital abandonment can happen in other ways, as well. If one spouse is actively taking steps to stop supporting a partner and children physically, emotionally, and financially, …
Why Hire a Lawyer for Your Divorce
You and your spouse have decided to file for divorce. Your first question may be: Do I need a lawyer? The answer is a resounding yes! Divorces are challenging to fight even when a lawyer is involved. You can imagine how frustrating it would be to divorce on your own, without any legal help. Unless you and your spouse agree …
Separation vs. Divorce: Pros and Cons
When a marriage is in trouble, the first thing people tend to think of is divorce. However, separation is another possibility. While Florida does not recognize legal separation, it does allow a married couple to live separately without the need for a divorce. This is called limited divorce and can be done on three grounds – voluntary separation, cruelty, and …
Addiction and Divorce
When you think of reasons for divorce, infidelity and financial issues may come to mind. Another common reason for divorce is addiction. Addiction is the third leading cause of divorce. An addiction to drugs or alcohol is not only unhealthy for the body, but it can be damaging to a marriage, as well, especially if the other spouse is sober. …
Infidelity and Divorce
Some couples are committed to staying married for life. There may be just a couple things that would ruin their marriage and cause them to file for divorce – abuse and infidelity. Unfortunately, both situations are common in marriages in America. Infidelity is actually on the rise, and it is threatening many marriages as social media and internet usage increase. …
Social Effects of Divorce
Many people are stuck in bad marriages. They think that divorce is not an option because they have to stay together for the kids. Yet many kids and adults are children of divorce. Are they any worse off than children whose parents are still married? Research seems to think so. Parental divorce tends to affect health, leading to an increase …